Poseidon is the God of the ocean. Though he was born on Mount Olympus like all the Gods where.
The religion of the Greek gods and goddesses originated in Greece, but they had no hometown as they came to be before the creation of towns.
He made Odysseys' trip to his homeland take 10 years.
The word "homeland" is a noun.
The Homeland? or Headquarters?Homeland is USA, Headquarters is Beaverton, Oregon.
Poseidon's Greek name was Poseidon. Poseidon's Roman name was Neptune.
he is poseidon
No, Zeus is. Poseidon is god of the sea
An antonym for homeland is "foreign land" or "another country."
homeland security, in 2002
No Poseidon did not have a crush on Athena. Athena was the niece of Poseidon, her father was Zeus the brother of Poseidon. Athena was a virgin goddess.
No, Athena is not the wife of Poseidon, in some myths Poseidon is the father of Athena; but the wife of Poseidon is Amphitrite.
What is the target of homeland
Poseidon's pack consists of Poseidon's horseshoes, saddle, and bridle.