The Southern part of the Atlantic Ocean is around the south stem of Argentina....
Argentina is located in southeastern South America, and covers most of the Southern Cone. To the east of Argentina lies the South Atlantic Ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean is east of Argentina a country on the east coast of the continent of South America.
the two body of waters are south pacific ocean, and south atlantic ocean
Argentina and Brazil
Uruguay is bordered by Argentina, Brazil, and the Atlantic Ocean.Argentina and Brazil are the two countries while the Atlantic Ocean is the body of water.Uruguay has land borders with Argentina and Brazil. It has a coastline on the South Atlantic ocean.Uruguay borders the country of Brazil and Argentina. The Rio de la Plata is the body of water that borders the country of Uruguay on the south.Uruguay is bordered by Argentina on the Northwest, and Brazil on the Northeast. It is bordered on the south by the Atlantic Ocean.
Countries: Brazil and Argentina Water: Atlantic Ocean
No, Argentina is not a peninsula. Argentina to the west is Chile which blocks Argentina from the Pacific ocean. Therefore Argentina has water on the east facing the Atlantic ocean and a bit south. So no Argentina is not a peninsula.
Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean :)
The Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Its Argentina and Brasil and the body of water is Atlantic Ocean.