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The Pacific Ocean now exists where Beringia once was.

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Q: What body of water exists today where Beringia once was?
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What body water exists today where beringia once was?

The Pacific Ocean now exists where Beringia once was.

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Is water the medium in which all body fluid exists?

Yes, water is the medium in which all body fluid exists. Water makes up around 60 percent of total body weight in humans and blood plasma is 92 percent water by volume.

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Water exists everywhere in the body and is a significant fraction of the human body. It is distributed in different compartments in the body. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water. Blood contains 83% water, body fat contains 25% water and bone has 22% water.

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They used canoes for transportation over water and walked anywhere else. Mind you they had things like snow shoes, and various tools and clothes to help them brave the sometimes crazy winters here. Of course things are different today.

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No body of water borders Norway and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union no longer exists. When it did exist, the Barents Sea, which is part of the Arctic Ocean, bordered the Soviet Union and Norway.

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because its inside my body

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