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Duck droppings when left to dry on the side of the pool can harbour a mould that will cause long term sickness if ingested. Small children are at risk of course.

When ducks foul the water it does get filtered eventually and the chlorine does sanitise the droppings however I would like to see a stronger level of chlorine at all times if ducks are visiting. My product Kings Duck Solution made here in Beenleigh will get rid of them.


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Q: What bacteria does duck poop have in the swimming pool?
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Can duck poop be harmful in the school pool?

Yes. Duck refuse may contain harmful bacteria.

Does swimming in duck poop get you sick?

Swimming in water contaminated with duck poop can expose you to harmful bacteria and parasites, increasing your risk of gastrointestinal infections, skin rashes, and other health problems. It is important to avoid swimming in water that is visibly contaminated or known to have high levels of fecal matter.

Is there any harm in having mallard ducks in your swimming pool?

Extremely unsanitary - you could get quite sick from their poop.

Are ducks affected by chlorine in a swimming pool?

No, but if they swim in your pool a lot, the duck poop is going to make the water murky. Ducks and swimming pools are not a good combination. Pool sanitisers such as chlorine have no ill affect on the bird. Ducks like the pool environment as it is often a safe haven with clear water and unobtrusive surrounds. The duck droppings do have a negative effect on the pool water balance and will eventually clog the filter with the creamy white paste.

Can concentrated duck poop and or chemicals spilled in certain areas and not immediately hosed off cause scaling of pool deck sealer?

~YES! it will ruin pool deck...i think~

Are voles droppings harmful if found in swimming pool?

All types of fecal matter -- poop, manure, droppings, etc. -- contain enormous amounts of bacteria. Often the bacteria is relatively harmless, but you can't know that, and fecal matter does frequently contain dangerous bacteria. Proper filtration and proper chlorination will rapidly eliminate the risk, however.

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Will chlorine kill raccoon poop in pool?

You need to scoop it out then super shock the pool and run filter. There is a chance of E Coli bacteria so you need to make sure you shock the pool well

Why does poop sink?

Poop stinks depending on how much bacteria is in it. The more bacteria in your poop, the smellier.

What is the song in Rob and Big Poop in the pool when Rob sees that poop in the pool?

the answer is: apple poop. he sees it in the pool and he starts eating apples and starts pooing out bananas

When can a duck swim?

Of course. There are several species of sea going ducks including eiders and scoters. There would be no problem in a fresh water duck's swimming in salt water (in fact it's easier to float than in fresh water) but the salt water might eventually upset their metabolisms.

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Farts poop duck