

Is saliva heavier than water

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Is saliva heavier than water
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Why is saliva heaviery that water?

Saliva contains additional compounds such as proteins, electrolytes, and enzymes that are not present in pure water. These extra components contribute to the heavier weight of saliva compared to water.

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Salt water is heavier than fresh water. The salt dissolved in salt water increases its density, making it heavier than pure water.

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No. Molten rock is heavier than water.

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Not necessarily. In a solution, the solute can make the solution heavier compared to the solvent alone. However, the overall weight of the solution would depend on the concentration of the solute in the solvent.

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Is breath heavier than air?

Breath consists of a mixture of gases, with the main components being nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases. This mixture has a similar density to air. Therefore, in terms of weight, breath is not significantly heavier than the surrounding air.

What is heavier than water but lighter than mercury?

salted water

What liquid is less viscous yet heavier than water?

Mercury is a liquid that is less viscous but heavier than water. Mercury is a dense liquid metal at room temperature, making it heavier than water, which is less viscous than water due to its lower viscosity.