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no its just vapor of water if its mixed with another element then yes

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Q: Is it dangerous to breathe in water vapour?
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Do you breathe in or breathe out more water vapour?

You breathe out more water vapour then when you breathe in

Do you find water vapour in the air you breathe in?


When you exhale you breathe plus carbon dioxide?

Yes, when you exhale, you release carbon dioxide that was produced during the process of cellular respiration in your body. This exchange of gases helps maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your bloodstream.

How much water vapour do humans breathe out in one night?

On average, humans exhale about one to two cups (240-480 milliliters) of water vapor every night during sleep. This amount can vary depending on factors such as individual metabolism and environmental conditions.

Do you breathe in water vapour?

Because its part gas and we breath in oxygen

Why do you breathe in water vapour?

Because its part gas and we breath in oxygen

Why is it that you can see clouds but you can not see water vapour in the air?

Clouds are formed when water vapor condenses and gathers in the atmosphere to form visible droplets or ice crystals. These droplets are much larger and more densely packed than individual water vapor molecules typically found in the air, making them visible to the human eye. Water vapor in its gaseous state is transparent and individual molecules are too small to be seen without condensing into droplets or crystals.

Do dingos in the outback need water?

Yes They are mammals and have about as much water in their bodies as humans. When they breathe they almost definitely breathe out water vapour. They must drink water at some stage or they will expire.

What is occurring when you can see your breath on cold days?

The air that you exhale contains water vapour. When you exhale during a cold day, the relative humidity increases. Relative humidity is actually the percentage of the amount of water vapour in the air.(the maximum amount of water vapour that the air can hold at that temperature) The colder the air, the less water vapour it can carry. When exhaled, air mixes with cold air, the temperature of the exhaled air drops, but there is more water vapour. When the air becomes saturated, (relative humidity is 100%), the extra water vapour will condense, allowing you to see your breathe on cold days.

When you exhale you breathe this plus co2?

Trace amounts of water vapour are also exhaled, alongside the carbon dioxide.

Why do scientist collect data about the amount of water vapor in the air?

Scientists collect data about the amount of water vapour in the air because if there is a lot of water vapour, they can tell you that it might be humid, or that it is going to rain, or if there is barley any, you can breathe more lightly, HOPE THAT HELPS:)

What percentage of the air you breathe in is water vapour?

it varies from place to place. like if in the shower there will b lots more unlike being in the lounge