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The pressure acting on your cells has 2 forms:

- Oncotic pressure due to the difference in tonicity of the solution vs the cell

- Hydrostatic pressure due to the difference in physical pressures of outside vs cell

Swimming in hypotonic solution (your cells are hypertonic to it) will cause your cells to absorb some water. This is why your skin wrinkles (absorbing water and expanding your skin beyond the normal size).

However, absorbing that water increases the amount of water in your body/cells which have a limited ability to stretch. The more water absorbed the less they can stretch and therefor the greater the amount of hydrostatic pressure pushing back. (Think of blowing up a soccer ball, at some point it becomes very difficult to put more air in)

Eventually the hydrostatic pressure pushing back will equal the oncotic pressure pushing in and your body comes to equilibrium without popping.

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15y ago

our cells only allow some water to come in because the cell membrane is selectively permeable (only allows some things to enter and exit). and our cells do absorb some water which makes us prune. also the surface of our skin is mostly dead cells.

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14y ago

The poly carbons are extremely diverse in the populations of h20. The myochondricils have spores that absorb pressure which in turn makes you "not explode".

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Q: If your cells and body fluids are hypertonic to the water of swimming pool then why do you not swell and pop when you go for a swim?
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What solution causes crenation of the red blood cell?

In a hypotonic solution, red blood cells swell and undergo hemolysis, while in a hypertonic solution, they lose water and undergo crenation.

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A solution that causes a cell to swell because of osmosis?

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An isotonic solution has the same osmotic pressure as body fluids. This means that the concentration of solutes inside the solution is similar to that of the body's cells, allowing for balanced movement of water in and out of the cells without causing them to shrink or swell.

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You can tell that plant cells are undergoing osmosis if they swell or shrink. When plant cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, they lose water and shrink. Conversely, when they are placed in a hypotonic solution, they gain water and swell. These changes in cell size indicate that osmosis is occurring.


You can observe osmosis in plant cells by placing a plant cell in a hypertonic or hypotonic solution and observing any changes in cell size and shape due to the movement of water. Hypertonic solution will cause cell to shrink (plasmolysis) and hypotonic solution will cause cell to swell. You can use a microscope to observe these changes in plant cells during osmosis.

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