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Q: A pool of standing water could be hiding A flash flood currents that could sweep your car away B deep sinkholes C all of the above?
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Could a pool of standing water be hiding?

Many hazards can be hiding in standing water. One of the most treacherous is sinkholes. Another danger in many states is flash floods. Even six inches of water can be hiding a current that will sweep your car away. (If your doing your your driving permit your answer should be "All of the above".)

How do you think over pumping groundwater is relative to sinkholes?

Over pumping groundwater can lead to sinkholes by causing the ground above the aquifer to sink or collapse as the water is removed. This can weaken the surrounding rock or sediment layers, making them more susceptible to forming sinkholes. It is important to properly manage groundwater resources to prevent the formation of sinkholes.

What are the differences between subsidence sinkholes and collapse sinkholes?

Subsidence sinkholes form gradually when the ground sinks due to the gradual dissolution of underlying bedrock, often in regions with soluble rock like limestone. Collapse sinkholes form suddenly when the roof of an underground cavity collapses, typically after heavy rainfall or a sudden change in water flow. Subsidence sinkholes are more common and tend to be smaller and less dangerous than collapse sinkholes.


True. Surface currents can warm or cool the air above them, depending on the temperature of the current and the direction of the wind. Warm currents will typically warm the air above them, while cold currents will cool the air.

which two statments best describe the effects of ocean currents on weather?

Cold currents remove thermal energy from the air above and warm currents warm the air above Apex

How do deep ocean currents occur?

It is from differing temperatures of air above it that causes currents to flow in the water.

Which of the following is associated with areas of karst topography?

Limestone dissolution, sinkholes, caves, underground rivers, and disappearing streams are associated with areas of karst topography.

Why did these caverns and sinkholes form?

Caverns and sinkholes typically form in areas with soluble rock such as limestone, where water dissolves the rock over time. Caverns are created by the slow dissolution of underground rock, while sinkholes form when the roof of a cavern collapses or the ground above a cavity caves in. Both processes are part of the natural geological phenomenon of karst topography.

Why do sinkholes appear on the ground?

Sinkholes often occur when underground rivers erode the rock beneath the Earth's surface. Eventually, the land above is no longer sufficiently supported and collapses into the cave that has developed beneath it. They are more common in places with limestone, as it is easily eroded.

What role does land play in affecting surface currents?

Land is above the waterline. No surface currents can flow over land.

Karst areas which are characterized by sinkholes are common in parts of the southeast United States Where do Karst areas often form?

Above limestone deposits

When standing on a pier spear fishing how should you aim above or below?

Above it