There are no funny names to call anyone with any type of disability. Calling people names is cruel and immature.
Information about Blick art supplies can be found directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-828-4548. If you live in an area that has a Blick supply store you can find helpful employees who can provide you with the information you need.
Sticking to the main English color terms the answer is probably just Green. Grey is achromatic or neutral and Green is very distinctive and highly distinguished by our vision system. Adding grey to the green will change the green but not to the point that you would stop calling it Green. Unless you add enough grey to sufficiently small amount green then you would just cal that Grey. A cool grey. (as opposed to a warm grey.)
DefinitionThis article discusses the health problems that might occur when someone accidentally or intentionally eats or swallows watercolor paints.This is for information only and not for use in the treatment or management of an actual poison exposure. If you have an exposure, you should call your local emergency number (such as 911) or the National Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222.Alternative NamesPaint - watercolorsPoisonous IngredientMan-made or natural pigments (especially cadmium and cobalt)Gum arabicNote: Watercolor paints sold for home use are generally considered nonpoisonous.SymptomsSeveral tubes of the artist's watercolors need to be eaten before symptoms occur.Home TreatmentDo NOT make a person throw up unless told to do so by poison control or a health care professional.If the chemical was swallowed, immediately give the person water or milk, unless instructed otherwise by a health care provider. Do NOT give water or milk if the patient is having symptoms (such as vomiting, convulsions, or a decreased level of alertness) that make it hard to swallow.Use soap and water to wash any paint off skin and clothes.Before Calling EmergencyDetermine the following information:Patient's age, weight, and conditionName of the product (ingredients and strength, if known)Time it was swallowedAmount swallowedPoison Control, or a local emergency numberThe National Poison Control Center (1-800-222-1222) can be called from anywhere in the United States. This national hotline number will let you talk to experts in poisoning. They will give you further instructions.This is a free and confidential service. All local poison control centers in the United States use this national number. You should call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention. It does NOT need to be an emergency. You can call for any reason, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.See: Poison control center - emergency numberWhat to expect at the emergency roomA trip to the emergency room is normally not necessary.However, if the poisoning requires medical help, the health care provider will measure and monitor your vital signs, including temperature, pulse, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Symptoms will be treated as appropriate. You may receive:Activated charcoalBreathing assistanceFluidsLaxativeTube through the mouth into the stomach to wash out the stomach (gastric lavage)Expectations (prognosis)How well you do depends on the amount of poison swallowed and how quickly treatment is received. The faster you get medical help, the better the chance for recovery.Recovery is likely because watercolor paints are generally considered nonpoisonous.Reviewed ByReview Date: 02/16/2012Eric Perez, MD, St. Luke's / Roosevelt Hospital Center, NY, NY, and Pegasus Emergency Group (Meadowlands and Hunterdon Medical Centers), NJ. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
A Contemplation of Magritte's Le mal 'du pays: Homesickness by Richard MattesonMagritte originally thought of calling this 1940 painting Menopause (a period of depression) but his final title is Le Mal du Pays (Homesickness). This is clearly one of Magritte's most emotionally honest paintings and instead of giving the painting one of his whimsical surreal titles like "Waiting for the Pea-Souper" (a title proposed by one of his friends that Rene considered but rejected), he chose the title that reflected how he he was he wished he could go home.In May 1940 his home was invaded by the Nazi during World War II and Magritte fled with his close friends Paul Eluard and Scutenaire. It would be easy to assume then that this painting was about the German occupation of Belgium and Magritte's homesickness about having to flee the country he loved. Certainly this is an emotional component of the painting but there's much more.What is homesickness for Rene Magritte? The yearning for home is one of the strongest human desires. Home for many people represents safety or freedom from concern, of being a child again- protected by your parents. Home is a place you belong and with every fiber of your being you wish you could return. By returning to your earliest thoughts, to the womb, you could escape the fears and torments of life.Magritte, as we all do had this powerful yearning for home. His home life was not easy- in fact he didn't want to talk about it. He moved frequently with his two brothers when he was very young. Then when he was just 13 his mother committed suicide, drowning herself in the Sambre River. As a child becoming a young man, this was not easy.For he was the eldest and I'm sure felt some responsibility. After all, when a parent commits suicide the children blame themselves. It was somehow Rene's fault, he didn't know why...he did have a reputation as being a little hellion, of being the difficult child. I'm sure at that moment, everything he did wrong began to haunt him. Later, because he could represent his subconscious mind in his art, his mother's suicide became manifest in his painting.Magritte's father died in 1928 of diabetes leaving Rene without parents. He was alone except for his loving wife, Georgette. They were living in the suburbs of Paris at the time. Soon they too would become homesick and and after a three year sojourn to Paris, the Magritte's came home to Brussels where they could be near their remaining family members.Six or seven years later Rene Magritte's life started to change. Leaving his happy home in Brussels, he went on his trips to London to visit Edward James and ELT Mesens to prepare for his exhibitions. During that time Rene became involved with the young surrealist model known as the "Surrealist Phantom" of 1936, the artist Sheila Legg, who posed for surrealist events with Dali and others and was one of the most photographed surrealist woman at the time. According to one source: "Magritte, in fact, fell in love with her."Magritte did not want to hurt Georgette or arouse her suspicions, so he arranged for his friend, Paul Colinet (1898-1957) a Belgian surrealist poet, to spend time with Georgette so she would be safe... a little too safe as it turned out. While Magritte was away Georgette and Paul Colinet became romantically involved. Georgette at one point asked Rene for a divorce.So Rene Magritte fled Brussels and his marital problems for France in May 1940, five days after German troops invaded Belgium and Holland. Georgette did not go with him. Rene spent three months in Carcassonne, France, with Paul Eluard and Scutenaire.The painting Homesickness features a forlorn Magritte as an angel leaning over a bridge contemplating the river, perhaps thinking of suicide. It reminds me of Jimmy Steward in It's A Wonderful Life standing on a bridge over the icy water with no reason to live. Magritte had the courage and honesty to paint himself, on the edge... on the brink of catastrophe. He was losing the two things he most valued in his life...his wife Georgette and his home.What about the lion? The lion is hard to overlook. Curiously the "king of the jungle" is not threatening or menacing and looks away disinterested. Clearly the lion represents Georgette, and perhaps Magritte never understood this himself. The two are separated, not interested in each other, while Magritte contemplates his sorrow and pain.He truly has lost his home, his true love and the love of his life. When conditions allowed, Magritte returned to Brussels and reconciled with Georgette. At this point Magritte became depressed and experimented with different style perhaps to escape his emotional demons. The 1940s was a time of change; in order to show the 'bright side of life', Magritte changed his style and began to paint impressionistic paintings inspired by Renoir. Later in 1948 he began his Vache period, partially as a reaction to the French artistic society who Rene felt rejected him.Much of the change of the 1940s can be seen in his painting Homesickness, a painting that showed with great courage the his depression over the very real threat of losing his family and home.He truly has lost his home, his true love and the love of his life. When conditions allowed, Magritte returned to Brussels and reconciled with Georgette. At this point Magritte became depressed and experimented with different style perhaps to escape his emotional demons. The 1940s was a time of change; in order to show the 'bright side of life', Magritte changed his style and began to paint impressionistic paintings inspired by Renoir. Later in 1948 he began his Vache period, partially as a reaction to the French artistic society who Rene felt rejected him.Much of the change of the 1940s can be seen in his painting, Homesickness, a painting that showed with great courage his depression over the very real threat of losing his family and home.
No, it was Caravaggio
To enable the audience to identify with them.
shows jesus bringing light to sinners
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio is an Italian painter that worked through the Renaissance and Baroque period. His notable works include Bacchus, painted in 1595 and The Calling of St. Matthew, 1600. However, Caravaggio's career consisted of many paintings and many are displayed throughout the world.
One painting that exemplifies the use of light and shadow in a dramatic way is "The Calling of Saint Matthew" by Caravaggio. In this painting, Caravaggio uses strong contrasts of light and shadow to create a sense of drama and intensity, drawing the viewer's eye to the central figures in the composition.
It's the first four and it can be found in Matthew 4: 18 - 22.
The propaganda technique used in this statement is likely "name-calling," where negative labels or descriptions are used to create a negative perception of the subject. In this case, the term "incompetent" is used to discredit and belittle Hubert's abilities.
Saint Matthew, a tax collector, was called by Jesus to follow him. Matthew immediately left everything to become one of the twelve apostles. This calling marked the beginning of his journey as a disciple of Jesus.
There is nothing insulting about the name Matthew. Someone might be annoyed, however, if you called him by the wrong name. People generally like to be called by their own names.
Matthew, also known as Levi. In his own gospel, Matthew doesn't identify himself as the host of the dinner Jesus attended after his calling (Matthew 9:9, 10), but Mark (2:14, 15) and Luke (5:27, 28) do.
This statement uses the propaganda technique of "name-calling" by attaching negative labels to the opponent, Tom Smithers. It aims to discredit him without providing factual evidence.