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To evoke auditory imagery, imagine the following:

The wind blowing through the trees

The ring on your telephone

The sound of your computer keyboard

Scales played on a guitar

Water lapping on a lake shore


To evoke olfactory imagery, conjure up the following smells:

Petrol fumes

Newly baked bread


New mown grass

Freshly brewed coffee

Gustatory (taste)

To evoke gustatory imagery, imagine the taste of:







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Q: What are the 5 types of sensory image?
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What are some examples of sensory images?

A sensory image is an image based on more than one sensation, An MRI is an example of a sensory image- it combines colors and depth based on the neural sensations of the brain.

How many types of sensory receptors are found on the human head?

There are five main types of sensory receptors found on the human head: mechanoreceptors for touch and pressure, thermoreceptors for temperature, nociceptors for pain, chemoreceptors for taste and olfaction, and photoreceptors in the eyes for light.

What are some examples of images?

A sensory image is an image based on more than one sensation, An MRI is an example of a sensory image- it combines colors and depth based on the neural sensations of the brain.

What is a sensory image in where are you charming billy?

An image based on whats shes sensing, i.e what sensations she is feeling

What are the types of images?

Types of images are: 1.Compressed image 2.RGB image (True Color Image & has 3 pixels ) 3.RGBA image (True Color Image & has 4 pixel or more ) 4.Grayscale image (Black & White) 5.Palette image (16 colors per pixel ) All i want is to " Like" ! Thanks !

What are the types of spinal nerves?

sensory and motor

What is sensory impairments and list 4 types of sensory impairment?

Sensory impairments refer to difficulties in processing sensory information, such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. The four main types of sensory impairments are visual impairment, hearing impairment, tactile impairment (problems with touch), and olfactory impairment (loss of sense of smell).

What are 2 types of nerves?

motor and sensory nerves

What are the two types of sensory cells are?

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What are two types of spinal nerves?

sensory and motor

Three types of neurons?

Sensory neurons detect stimuli and transmit signals to the central nervous system. Motor neurons carry signals from the central nervous system to muscles or glands to produce a response. Interneurons operate within the central nervous system to process and relay information between sensory and motor neurons.