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It is said that vampires can not enter a private domain (so no problem entering a library or other such places) without an invitation because of their lack of souls.

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Q: Why do vampires have to be invited into a house before they can enter?
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Do elves have to be invited into a house before they can enter?

I think vampires have to be invited in, not elves.

In vampire diaries why do the vampires have to be invited in?

Vampires can't enter a dwelling place of humans, it doesn't matter if it's a house or a tent. if living humans eat and sleep there they need to be invited inside, it doesn't matter who it is and if they live there any human that gestures or tells them to come in they have permission to enter In the TV show, Damon tells Alaric that motels and rented accomodation are a grey area and must be played by ear. Once a vampire is invited into the home they can then enter whenever they want to

What must a vampire do before entering a strangers house?

They have to be invited in before they can enter. So don't invite any strangers in your house until you know that s/he isn't a vamp.

Can you enter girlfriend house?

If you are invited, you can. However if she or her parents say you may not enter, then you may not enter.

Why stefan didn't want to come in Elena's house?

Because Stefan is a vampire. Vampires have to be invited in.

Why do vampires are not to no go to buliding that dont have permission?

its every demon has a weakness the weakness of vampires is that they have to get permission or invited in by the owner of the house........ this way they can easily feed on the people who are living inside the house but if they do not and are not invited in then they cannot harm them....... nature is a powerful thing.....they give a weakness to everybody.... specially to evil....

Why do vampires ask if they can come in?

Because they have to be invited into a house other wise they can't step through the door frame

Can Vampires enter the house of god?

No, they can not enter the house of god because if they did, they would have the cross burnt on their chest. (I've done my homework)

How does vampires attack their victims?

usually silently. they will actually befriend their victims, get invited into their house (or invite them into their house) wait for their victims to fall asleep and then drink their blood.

What happens to vampires when they are not invited to walk in?

they cant get in they just bounce off of the door frame like an invisible shield stopping them from getting in so nothing really!! I'm not sure about the bouncing off the door, but most of the stories that I know: a vampire cannot enter a house without first being invited into the house by the head of the household. In 'Lost Boys' the vampire referred to the 'man of the house' and in 'Fright Night' it was referred to as the 'rightful owner of the house'

What will happen if a vampire tries to enter a house they have not been invited into from The vampire diaries?

depends on the type of vampire in question

Before entering a strangers house a vampire must?

Be invited, or so the myths say.