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Q: What is the drop rate of bone terror axe on adventure quest worlds?
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How do you get bone terror's axe?

if your talking about Adventure Quest Worlds, keep fighting Bone Terror until you get it!

Where do you find bone mace on adventure quest worlds?

On AdventureQuest Worlds, Bone Mace is found in the museum. It cannot be purchased, rather it is a reward for the Monday Bone Mace Quest.

Where are bone terrors in adventure quest worlds?

In Battleunder (/join battleundera)

How do you get the bone sword in adventure quest worlds?

call 250-505-1612

How do you get bone dust adventure quest worlds?

kill the skeletons at sword haven

Whats the drop rate of bone terror armour on adventure quest worlds?

There is no way to know the exact drop rate to anything unless your a mod but it's estimated around 1-2%

Where is the bone mace in adventure quest worlds?

valencia in battleon. a specific day. I'm not sure which one

Where do you get bone axe on adventure quest worlds?

keep killing big black sprat i think in the grave yard

How do you customize dragon wing bone color in adventure quest worlds?

go to yulgar and then go to room 42 and Customize your skin

What enemy do you kill to get yaras sword in adventure quest worlds?

Battle an Undead least that works for me

Where can you find the bone hair and teeth at adventure quest worlds?

All of these items are found in the marsh, marsh2, or ruins. Hair- Dark Witch Bone- Lich Teeth- Undead Berserker

How can you get the weapons from big jack sprat on adventure quest worlds?

just keep killing him until you get the Undead Plague Spear, the Skeleton Hand, or the Bone Axe.