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the tower of terror

(sounds a bit like 9-11)

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Q: What episode in Pokemon is the one with the haunted house?
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Is haunted house one word?

No, it's two words: haunted house

What and were is Pokemon 152 on Pokemon platinum Sinnoh deck?

Rotom, He can be found in a flickering tv in one of the back rooms in the haunted house in the Eterna forest.

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yes, it is actually one of the most haunted houses in the world who is it haunted by

Pokemon LeafGreen how to get the poke flute?

rescue the grandpa in the haunted tower in lavender town then he will bring you to hiss house and talk to him and he'll give you one

Is every single house haunted?

No, not every each one. But there are a FEW, so don't freak out. ))

Can you make a house haunted on sims 3 I have had a haunted house before when i just moved a family in but its just this one house and i want to make a bunch of haunted houses?

you could move random families into a house, make sure that they all die inside the house, and then you would have a haunted house. that is the only way which i think it is possible.

Is their an haunted house in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I've heard of a Haunted house in Heart Gold, one of my friends said she went to it. But i haven't found anyone else who knows about it. There most likely is a haunted house in Soul Silver if there is one in Heart Gold.

Where is the underground tour in the haunted house on poptropica?

There isn't one.

Where are the candy ghosts in club penguin?

One is @ haunted house

How do you beat haunted house in pearl?

in Pokemon pearl (if that is what you are talking about) you can not beat the haunted house. you can catch a legendary Pokemon called rotom. what you need to do is go find the 2 ghosts. (one is an old man in the dining room and one is a little kid in her room upstairs.) after you see them, go to the room upstairs with a TV in it go up to it and press a and it will ask you if you want to thump it. say yes and the battle will start. oh and to do this you need to beat the Pokemon league. hope this helped!!

What was the name of the 60th house of Anubis episode?

I assume that you mean the 60th fifteen minute episode from House of Anubis season one. That episode is called House of Forever (it follows House of Never) and was the final episode from season one.

How do you get Pokemon 152 in Pokemon Platinum?

You can get rotom by in the haunted house near eterna city and after 8pm and go to the one witch has the scary picture on and press A at the tv and you should get rotom. Rotom can be caught by a normal great or ultra ball