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Quick response, versatility, portability, non-invasiveness.


Difficult to determine infrared detection area where accuracy is needed, can only record surface temperatures, inability to measure very minute targets.

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12y ago
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Lvl 3
1y ago

The Lab Thermometer is portable, Cheap in production, and has thick walls that work as magnifying glass which makes it easy to reach the scale

The Disadvantages of Lab Thermometers are that they break easily and there is a risk of Mercury poisoning if glass tube breaks, they can’t be used to measure and there is a risk of mercury poisoning if the glass tube breaks.


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12y ago

it is portable. Cheap in production. thick walls work as magnifieng glass which makes it easy to reas the scale

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14y ago

Advantages: very accurate, has a wide range, is very sensitive and is independent of the gas used.

Disadvantages: large, cumbersome and slow.

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13y ago

Advantages:- Excellent accuracy, Good sensitivity

Disadvantage:- Slow response

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10y ago

putkrapstis tu esi , va :)

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of laboratory thermometers?
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What are the disadvantages of laboratory thermometer?

Some disadvantages of laboratory thermometers include limited temperature range, potential for breakage if mishandled, and the requirement for frequent calibration to ensure accuracy.

What are the advantages of laboratory thermometer?

Laboratory thermometers are designed for high accuracy and precision in temperature measurement. They are also versatile and can be used in a wide range of laboratory settings. Additionally, laboratory thermometers are often made with durable materials that can withstand harsh laboratory conditions.

How many type of thomoaters are there?

There are generally two main types of thermometers: digital thermometers and analog (mercury or alcohol) thermometers. Each type serves different purposes and has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is the temperature scale used on most laboratory thermometers?

Temperature scale used on most laboratory thermometers is a thermometer.

What laboratory equipment would you use for measuring temperature?

You would use a thermometer to measure temperature in a laboratory setting. There are different types of thermometers available, such as digital thermometers, mercury thermometers, and infrared thermometers, each suitable for different applications.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of thermometer liquid filled?

Advantages: Liquid-filled thermometers are accurate, reliable, and provide a quick response time to temperature changes. They are also versatile and can be used in various applications. Disadvantages: Liquid-filled thermometers can be fragile and may break if mishandled. They also require periodic calibration to maintain accuracy, and the liquid may be hazardous if the thermometer breaks.

What is the temperature scale used on laboratory thermometers?


What is the scale used on most laboratory thermometers?


What is the temperature used on laboratory thermometers?

Typically, laboratory thermometers are calibrated to measure temperatures ranging from -10°C to 110°C. However, specialized thermometers can be used for extreme temperatures outside of this range.

Is alcohol used for clinical thermometers or laboratory thermometers?

Alcohole is not used for any thermometer only murcury (Hg) is used

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