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Shapeshifters are super humans with the ability to transform into a animal or person dead, living or fictional. Shapeshifters can have the same look, thoughts and powers and abilities of the living person or fictional person and have children by impregnating human woman. Sometimes Shapeshifters have weaknesses like: being killed by silver (either by a bullet or blade, Iridium and Decapitation).

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15y ago

Scientific fact says no, but personal belief and investment in myths, or religion might bring a person to believe otherwise. There have been no proven incidents of the traditional shape-shifting, such as a human changing into an animal.

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Bruce Coville's Shapeshifters was created in 1999.

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What is the name of the Shapeshifters's name in X men?

There are several shapeshifters in X-Men, but perhaps the best known is Mystique.

Are shapeshifters polymorphic because they can change form?

Yes. Shapeshifters are polymorphic because they can change into any form they want to.

Are shapeshifters immortal?

It depends on the lore or mythology you're referring to. In many stories, shapeshifters are not immortal but have the ability to change their form. However, there are also versions where shapeshifters can live longer lives or have a form of immortality.

Animals mentioned in Jacob I have loved?

Shapeshifters and werewolves ;)

How many shapeshifters are in The Hobbit?

Just one: Beorn.

What are examples of elements of fantasy in Breaking Dawn?

Vampires and werewolves/shapeshifters.

Are vampires and shape shifters enemys?

Yes, because shapeshifters are werewolves

Are there myths about shape shifters?

Yes. Many cultures have myths about shapeshifters.

Who sings i dont want to be into you but i gotta?

Shapeshifters - Helter Skelter Lyrics