

Best Answer


  • It is possible to compare of two algorithms
  • with running times
  • Constants can be ignored.
  • Lower orUnits are not imder terms are ignored
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Q: What are advantages and disadvantages of big o notation?
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What is the difference between big o and omega notation in c plus plus?

The difference between Big O notation and Big Omega notation is that Big O is used to describe the worst case running time for an algorithm. But, Big Omega notation, on the other hand, is used to describe the best case running time for a given algorithm.

What are the advantages and disadvantages about finger joint?

No idea!! :O that's handy

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The advantages of a Finger Joint is 'Go kill urself and die!'

What is asymtotic notations?

aka big O notation e.g. 2*x^2 = O(x^2)

What is the connection between Theta and Big-O notation?

Big O gives an upper bound whereas big theta gives both an upper bound and a lower bound.

Explain big O and big omega notations.?

omega notation please see this website

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They liked pie and cheddar cheese, this helped them with food - Chris get

What is big-o notation for describing time complexity of algorithm?

Big O notation allows to specify the complexity of an algorithm in a simple formula, by dismissing lower-order variables and constant factors.For example, one might say that a sorting algorithm has O(n * lg(n)) complexity, where n is the number of items to sort.Big O notation is used in Computer Science to describe the performance or complexity of an algorithm. Big O specifically describes the worst-case scenario, and can be used to describe the execution time required or the space used (e.g. in memory or on disk) by an algorithm.

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What are the Advantages and disadvatages of nylon?

It is an inexpensive material. It can be woven and spun in many different ways. One big disadvantage is that it melts when exposed to high heat.

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Advantage: It displays what you are doing on a computer etc Disadvantage: New models and size can cause problems for some programs etc

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