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The question is misleading.

The defining trait of a vampire is the ability to steal life-force from other living things.

You can have this ability while alive (such is the condition of a Dhampir) but you have no need to employ it as the condition of being alive is a self-perpetuating state. It is only when you die that you feel (a real) need to employ this ability and consequently this is only when the distinction of being a vampire is applicable.

There have been incidences where a Dhampir has been very sick, near dying, and has awakened his/her life-stealing abilities to ward off impending death. Most of these become abhorred to discover what they are and either destroy themselves or abstain from the practice and become vampire hunters. Once incidence that I know of concerns a young girl who was informed of her true heritage when it became necessary to rescue her from a fatal illness and became addicted to the practice of stealing life-energy. Fortunately her real father (one of the undead) was recruited to help manage her and reformed her from the practice.

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1) If the Vampire injects the venom, then you become one.

2) You die

To become a vampire is a a bit of a delicate process. It take repeated bitings and a gentle, protracted death to enable the contagion to effect the change. As Count Dracula performed on Lucy Westenra (Dracula) or Lestat performed on Louis (Interview with a Vampire). Inductions as depicted in Innocent Blood are ridiculous in the extreme.

Any person bitten by a vampire can recover. A single bite is nothing, hardly noticeable in fact. Lucy Westenra was saved three times by the intervention of Dr. Van Helsing - it was only by constant interference by the count that she died and was inducted. In fact if you are bitten repeatedly and don't die within the first few weeks then you become immune to the induction. Such is the condition of many thralls and minions of vampires.

Most induction are malformed. Count Orlock (Nosferatu) being only a medial example, gross deformities are more common than otherwise. Most people on becoming vampires destroy themselves as they are incapable of reconciling themselves with what they have become.

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Q: If you are bitten by a vampire does that mean you die or now become a vampire?
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If you are bitten by a vampire does that mean you die or become a vampire?

It depends on what folklore or myth you are asking. Usually you turn into a vampire, there are some stories that make it so people die when bitten. and if you get bit it depends on the age of the vamp if 25+ yes if not you die or get the vamp flu you have the choice death by getting eaten by a werewolf or become a vamp i know this cos i got it and i turned into a vamp

What does women vampire has to do to be one?

To be a vampire, any person simply has to be bitten by another vampire but not killed. If a vampire kills a person completely they die, but if they don't die, they become a vampire themselves.

How do you become a vampire with out dying and getting bitten?

Sorry, but to meet the definition of a vampire you have to die. You can become a potential vampire by having a vampire father and a living mother. This condition is known as a Dhampir.

Can vampires become werewolves?

No they cant become vampires. If a werewolf gets bitten by a vampire they just die because the venom is poisonous to them.

Does a werewolf die if bitten by a vampire?

Depends on the myth you read...

How can one be changed to a vampire?

Get bitten by a vampire, but don't let the vampire suck you too much, you might die dude. LoL

How does a vampire become one?

Depends on the mythos to which you ascribe. Most usual form of infection is given as being bitten by a vampire but not killed or having your body obliterated. There is then a short latency period, after which you fully become a vampire. An alternate version, more classic in nature, was that you had to trade blood by choice with a vampire. If bitten you would die, unless you bit them back. If this two way transaction occured, then you would turn into a vampire. It involves far more of a sense of choosing vampirism, as opposed to the typical forced conversion ideal of the bite = vampire mythos above.

What happens to a person after they get bitten by a vampire?

they either pass over to the immortal world or die...simple as that.

How do you become a vampire god on vampire mountain roblox?

you have to have a vampiers blood in you so when you die you become alive and a vampire.

When a vampire bits you do you become a vampire?

The process is a little more complicated than just that. A lot of people have been bitten by a vampire, have not been significantly inconveinanced and have recovered. To become a vampire requires repeated bitings and sanguinations (bleedings) so that the 'victim' is (1) infected with the contagion, (2) suitably weakened so the immune system cannot counter it, and then (3) has to die in the proper manner. You will recall that Lucy Westenra was visited three times by the Count before she died and became a vampire. While Wilhelmina Harker was bitten once and even drank of the Count's blood and yet fully recovered from the infection.

If I am eaten by a vampire will I become a true vampire?

Legends said only those that a vampire wanted to make a vampire would become a vampire. All the rest would die.

Can sims die of fright by opening a vampire coffin if there needs are low on the sims 2?

no..i thought they would get bitten and turned into a vampire..but the coffin opens the vampire hisses..and closes and your sim screams..END.