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its like nah-me-nay i think

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Who is Namine's protector?

Namine makes Sora her protector

Should roxas be with xion or namine?

Roxas should be with Namine. Because Roxas is Sora's Nobody and Namine is Kairi's Nobody, because Sora and Kairi's hearts of connected the sort of connects Roxas and Namine.

What are namine's powers?

Namine's powers......well let's see Namine has the power to make new false memories and bring memories, that are lost back.

What is Namine's Birthday?

Namine was never born, she is a Nobody, hence she was created by magical means and has no birth to speak of.

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Does Roxas kiss Namine?

No he does not.

Whose memories could Namine control?

Namine could control the memories of anyone inside Castle Oblivion.

How was Namine created in Kingdom Hearts?

Namine is Kairi's Nobody. She was created when Kairi's heart went into Sora in the beginning.

How did Kairi's heart's going into Sora create Namine?

Namine, Kairi's Nobody, was created when Kairi lost her heart, while Roxas, Sora's Nobody, was created when Sora lost his heart. Because Kairi's heart was in Sora, Namine could control Sora's memories. Namine can take anyone's memories.

What is the name of Kairi's Nobody?


What is namine's last name?


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