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wait till the ball is highest then kick it.

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Q: How do you make the monkey kick really far in monkey kick off?
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How do you kick the ball far on monkey kick off?

Kick it by clicking the mouse.

How you get a home run in a kick ball game?

kick the ball really far

How far can a monkey go from land to land?

there is really no way stupid!!!!! :/

When playing soccer do wearing soccer cleats make a difference?

yes it will it will make you kick far and run fast.

How would you kick the ball in soccer for distance?

If you are on defense, you want to make sure you kick under the ball to get it up high in the air over everyone's head to clear it out. But for distance, you want to go to the center of the ball. Pick a spot in your ball in the middle and practice kicking there. After a while you will know about the right spot. Make sure you bring your leg back really far when going to kick it.

How do you kick far in kickball?

use your toe and kick as hard as you can

Is there a rule that puts holder back 7yards from line of scrimmage on point after touchdown kicks?

No. This distance is used because it is far enough from the line of scrimmage that it's difficult for the defense to interfere with the kick, but not so far that the kick is difficult to make.

How far can a midfielder kick a soccer ball?

As far as he wants

How much does a ground hog weight?

It really depends on how far you can kick it. Try kicking it and dividing the distance traveled by 5 and 20/7

How far does the monkey's opposable thumb move?

as far as ours can go

Did kick ever take off his helmet in kick buttowski?

Sadly so far no.

Did you enjoy spirit bound?

Heck yea! The best book of the series so far, in my opinion. But I have to admit, I really wanted to kick Dimitri at ppoints in the book... ("Loves fades. Mine has." What??? Really?)