1- Click on Classrooms
2- You will find a list of all the classes you registered for
3- Click on the lesson you wish to take
4- Click Launch Lesson (which is located under the names of the professors and TA's)
5- Read the lesson
6- Read the homework
7- Write down your answers in the white box
8- Check the part where it says ''I have completed my homework''
9- Submit your homework
You can find the website to Hogwarts Extreme in the related links below.
A Harry Potter RPG. Stands for Hogwarts Extreme
No it does not cost money to enroll
You have to buy one in Diagon Alley at the Pet Emporium.
Yellow Orange Yellow
There are many sites like this online, they are called Roleplaying Games. A popular one is Hogwarts Extreme.
Click the link that comes in the e-mail they send you.
See related links. Hex (Hogwarts Extreme)
just say your really brave thats what i did
You go to your inventory, and then click on a food item. Then there will be a list of actions you can do with your food.
Go to a cave, dig a hole, get in it, bury yourself, stay there for many years.
No, but you can change the capitalisation, for example; If your name is 'username', you could change it to something like 'UsErNaMe'.