Use a Pokemon that's closest to the goal they want you to reach (Haunter)
What you do is play his attraction
"you cant get manaphy in pokepark" WRONG! if you get every bonus in gyrados's attraction you get manaphy iCRATZ!
it is for me and i beat it!!
you can't only in the attraction
as far as i'm conserned mew never comes to the meeting place unless there's a cheat fr it.
Become friends with both Magnemite and Magneton, and then Electrode will come to play.
Open all the bonus boxes in venasaurs attraction.
You get him by getting all the bonuses for empolions attraction
deoxys get all bonuses on rayquaza's attraction hope i helped
get every Pokemon bonus on salamences attraction
in the volcano you will have to beat chimchar at what ever he wants to do
Battle and beat Chimchar once, and then he will be at the area with Ninetales and Quilava