Besides the applications in detection of diseases, ELISA is used in the food industry for detecting potential food allergens and in toxicology as a rapid presumptive screen for certain classes of drugs.
Simply, yes.
poppy seeds
It also includes the number 0.
The treatment obviously depends of the cause of pericarditis.
.08 is the presumptive limit in many places and .03 is under that. However that does not mean that a DUI is not justified, simply that the prosecution would need to work a little harder. Because there are intoxicants besides alchohol that affect driving, a DUI of .00 is perfectly possible.
If a number is not prime- that is, if a number has a positive factor besides one and itself- it is a composite number.
One benefit that I'm positive of is that garlic is good for your heart!
Microorganisms can cause diseases and infections in plants, animals, and other organisms. They can also disrupt ecosystems by outcompeting native species or destroying habitats. Some microorganisms can spoil food sources, leading to economic losses and food shortages.
Yes, because if it is an even number it at least has 2, itself and 1
You can acknowledge them with the same compliment. If not you can just smile and move forward.