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Go talk to your vet. Recommended vaccines and insecticides for your livestock depend on where you live and what stock you have. For instance, you will need different insecticides for Brahman cattle than you would for Angus cattle.

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Q: What are the recommended vaccinations and parasite control for cattle?
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What to do to cattle that have not had vacinations?

You can still give them the vaccinations that they need, it won't hurt them.

How often do you vaccinate your cattle?

Depending on the vaccinations involved, most cattle should be done once or twice a year.

What do vaccination got to do with cows?

Vaccinations is merely using a needle and syringe to inject a particular fluid into cattle to help boost their immune system against a particular disease or illness that is common to the area where they live. Types of vaccinations and how to vaccinate depend on the individual vaccinations needed and your area, so visit your local large animal veterinarian for necessary vaccinations needed for your animals.

What is cattle running out of control?

Cattle running out of control refers to a situation where a group of cattle is not being properly managed and is freely moving in an uncontrolled manner, posing a risk to themselves and others. This can lead to property damage, traffic accidents, and injuries to both humans and the cattle. Proper livestock handling techniques and fencing are essential to prevent cattle from running out of control.

What is the prognosis if 23 cattle have internal parasites?

Depends on what sort of parasite has been found. There are far more than just one internal parasite that can affect cattle, and thus more symptoms from the affliction of such parasites. Thus the prognosis would depend on what kind of parasites are present in those 23 head. Above all, though, those 23 cattle (as well as the rest of the herd) need to be dewormed pronto.

Is dettol an effective tick detterent on cattle?

It's hard to say, as it's primary use is to act as a disinfectant, not a external parasite-remover.

What has the author Yudha Fahrimal written?

Yudha Fahrimal has written: 'Detection of Babesia bovis carrier cattle using polymerase chain reaction amplification of parasite DNA' -- subject(s): Cattle, Veterinary protozoology, Babesia, Parasites

What 1870 invention helped ranchers control their cattle?

Barbed wire, it would kinda sting the cattle if they touched it

What is a cattle tick?

Well as the online dictionary defines a cow tick (cattle tick) is a nasty little parasite that causes texas fever. Tick come in many different sizes and types all of which are nasty. if you think that your cow/cattle might have found some consult large animal your veterinarian.

What did a stampede have to do with a cattle drive?

Frightened cattle that run out of control form what is called a stampede. These stampedes are difficult to regain control of, especially when going over difficult terrain in adverse weather conditions.

Is coccidiosis contagious?

No, it does not pass from animal to animal. It is a protozoa parasite that lives in the intestines of all healthy cattle, and only causes damage when animals are very stressed or have overwhelming numbers of protozoa. There are 15 kinds of coccidia that live in cattle, but there are only 2 that are pathogenic.

What does a horse do on a ranch?

Horses are mainly used to help cowboys herd cattle and act as heelers or headers when roping cattle for branding, vaccinations, etc. At night they are let out in the paddock to graze and rest for the night until they're needed for the next day. On dude ranches and ranches with trail riding, they are primarily used for greenhorn tourists to ride with helping with herding cattle or for trail rides.