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Because the south was unhappy about the end of the civil war. Abraham Lincoln created amendments which gave rights to the slaves.

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Q: Why did hostility between the north and south continue even after the civil war was over?
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Why did hostility between the north and the south continue even when the civil war was over?

Because the South didnt want the North let the blacks vote and they didnt want them to come boss them around of what to do.

What incident revealed the level of hostility between the north and south?

the American history who make that

Why did the hostility between the North and the South continue even when the Civil War was Over?

Losing the war for independence was a tough thing to accept from the Southern point of view. Southerners remained racists and US presidents Johnson and Grant had severe problems curbing Southern violence against freed slaves. The terms for reinstatement to the Union were controversial as well. It also should be noted that racial discrimination existed in the North, however, it was not violent discrimination as it existed in the South.

Name the US war between the North and South?

*The civil war *The War between the States

What were the differences between the south and the north ideologies pre civil war?

One of the obvious differences between the North and the South during the U.S. Civil War was that the North was anti-slavery and the South was pro-slavery.

What were the differences between the south and the north in the civil war?

one is south and one is north

What were the differences between the north and south in the civil war?

one is south and one is north

What was the civil war between?

the north and the south parts of USA

Which is the US war between the north and the south?

The civil war.

Which was an advantage the south had over the north in the civil war?

In the US Civil War, the South had a number of advantages. Perhaps one of the best ones was the fact that they did not have to conquer the North to win. Their goal for independence would come when the North no longer wished to continue the conflict.

What was the war between the south and the north?

In the US the war between the north and the south is called the Civil War. However, there have been other war, In other arts of the world, between northern regions and southern regions and they have different names.

What was the main dispute in the civil war between the north and the south?
