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Current bills:

$1 George Washington

$2 Thomas Jefferson

$5 Abraham Lincoln

$10 Alexander Hamilton (not a President)

$20 Andrew Jackson

$50 Ulysses S. Grant

$100 Benjamin Franklin (not a President)

The following bills are no longer made:

$500 William McKinley

$1,000 Grover Cleveland

$5,000 James Madison

$10,000 Salmon P. Chase (not a President)

$100,000 Woodrow Wilson (not released to the public)

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Q: Whose pictures are on each US currency bill?
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Whose picture appears on the front of the U.S. 5 bill 10 bill 20 bill 50 bill 100 bill?

$5 - Abraham Lincoln, $10 - Alexander Hamilton, $20 - Andrew Jackson, $50 - Ulysses Grant, $100 - Benjamin Franklin Note that ALL U.S. bills have captions that identify the images on each side - look at the bottom of the pictures!

Whose picture is on 10 dollar bill?

Each of the bills in US currency has a prominent leader on it. The picture on the 10 dollar bill is Alexander Hamilton.

Whose pictures are on US currency?

Mostly dead presidents but also Alexander Hamilton and a rabble raiser Ben Franklin. On the 1 through 100 dollar bills who is on the face relates to what is on the back. Before 1956 each of these bills had a building on the back related to who was on the face. after 1956 the 2 dollar bills back changed to a bunch of people.

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trading with each other, printing state currency

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There are many Arab countries and each has its own currency.

Just how many of those pictures showing Bill and Tom Kaulitz all over each other are real?

None. It's called "Photoshopping"

How many hundred dollars bills make quarter pound?

You would need the mass of a dollar bill in the currency you are interested in. Your question is ambiguous, and could be about bills each worth $100 or about hundreds of bills each worth $1. Even "pound" could refer to mass, weight, or English currency.

How much are pennies worth?

A penny is worth one penny. If you want to know what it is worth in some other currency you need to specify two things:the country whose penny you want the value for (there are many), andthe country in whose currency you want the value.And it is not enough to say cents or dollars or pesos because there are very many countries whose currencies are called cents, dollars or pesos.

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BahtNo. Each has its own independent currency.

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There is no single currency. Each state produces their own currency, although in some countries, the US Dollar is also widely used.

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