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The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves only in states that had seceded from the union

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Cloyd Tremblay

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Q: What statement is an example of evidence a historian could use to support a claim about the American civil war?
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What is an example of evidence a historian could use to support a claim about the American civil war?

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves only in states that had seceded from the union

Is an example of a claim that a historian might make about the American civil war?

Answer this question… Former slaves fighting in the Union army were essential to several Northern victories.

What is an example of a scientific statement?

"The Earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit" is an example of a scientific statement. It is testable, based on evidence and can be verified or falsified through observation and experimentation.

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One example of a false statement could be "The Earth is flat." This statement is not supported by scientific evidence and contradicts the well-established understanding that the Earth is an oblate spheroid.

What statements is an example of evidence a historian could use to support a claim about the American Civil War?

Answer this question… Former slaves fighting in the Union army were essential to several Northern victories.

When a statement of fact is made such as The rate of unemployment is currently 5 percent this is an example of?

A statement of fact like "The rate of unemployment is currently 5 percent" is an example of an empirical claim. This statement can be verified or disproved through observation, measurement, and evidence.

What is an example of a thesis that a historian might write?

The American Civil War was caused not by slavery but by economic factors.

Is 'for example' a connective?

Yes, "for example" is a connective that is used to introduce an example or illustration to support a statement or argument. It helps to provide further clarification or evidence for the point being made.

Based on the evidence in this passage from "To Build a Fire," which statement is the best example of the theme?

Instinct is an important part of survival. [APEX]

What is a factual statement?

Claims that can be verified as true or false. Example: "You keep interrupting me" as opposed to an opinion "You are a control freak".

What is an example of a claim that a historian might make about the American Civil War?

Answer this question… Former slaves fighting in the Union army were essential to several Northern victories.

What is the definition of the word cited?

The definition of the word cited is quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement. Another definition for the word cited is mention as an example.