Some, unable to pay their mortgages, lost their plantations when the banks foreclosed. Some sold out to Northern carpetbaggers. Those who were able to keep their land realized that they could not sustain cotton production on an industrial scale without the slave labor force, because they could not afford to pay living wages. They developed a system called sharecropping by which the field hands would receive a portion of the crop in exchange for their labor. The sharecroppers lived on the plantation in their own shacks. In practice, the system was little better than slavery. the sharecropper had to pay their rent out of their share of the crop, with very littl left over for anything beyond subsistence.
Plantations suffered at the civil war because the fighting took place their and destroyed the plantation.
What happened to Virginia's cities after the Civil War and Reconstruction?
Caesar's Civil War happened in -45-03.
Sharecropping and Tenant farming were two systems that replaced the plantation system in the south after the Civil War.
your mom happened
The plantation owners
they were the business owners,plantation owners,they had to work on the battlefields as nurses,they had to cook&clean and they were regular hosewives
Simply an agricultural region of the US; with wealthy land owners (primarily tobacco/cotton plantation owners).
they where very rich until the 13th amendment was signed (after the civil war) and southern plantation owners had to let their slaves free and did not have any help working on their plantations.
Give them back to their owners.
Up top it was the wealthy land/ plantation owners that had acres of land. Then the small land owners After that the peasents Then the slaves
She watched the house and took care of the family
poor white southerners, plantation owners, and black southerners
The civil war affected the plantation owners in a major way. They could no longer use unpaid slave labor to plant and harvest their crops. They lost a great deal of their wealth since they could no longer afford to bring crops to market. The plantation owners wife now had to be responsible for cooking, child-rearing, and cleaning that was previously done by the slaves. They were mostly unprepared for the job.
southern plantation owners were angry because president Abraham Lincoln had promised to abolish slavery
Ok Liberty Online cheater LOL
Civil war Union generals and there troops went to go kill any plantation owners in the area with slaves.