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In the US Civil War, the South felt their economic livelihood was at stake. The North was industrializing, but the South remained based on agriculture and human (slave) labor. Several major proposals in Congress would have benefited the North but punished the South, particulalry those involving exports of certain products. There was also a widening social and philosophical gap regarding the existence of slavery - in general the South was pro-slavery while the North was anti-slavery. As the US expanded westward, the new states being added to the Union were fought over regarding whether or not slavery would be allowed in them.

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Q: What cause the Civil War for the south?
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because the south wanted slavery and the north didnt The cause of the civil war, was that most of the northern U.S. did not want there to be black slaves in the south. The southern U.S. did not agree because their slaves were also their main source of income. As you can see, the north won.