

Best Answer

Bull Run (1st & 2nd)

The Seven Days Battles




The Wilderness


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Q: What battles did the union lose during the civil war?
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The Union did not want to lose anymore of the territory.

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California no longer offers or recognizes civil unions.

What battles did the union lose and win?

The North won the Battle of Antieatm, Shiloh, Chattonoga, Gettysgurg, Vicksburg, March to the sea in Gorgia, and the Battle of the Appomattox Court House. These are the wars the North won. By Bikram S Marwah

What battles did the union lose?

Bull Run (1st and 2nd) Peninsula campaign (the Seven Days Battles) Fredericksburg Chancellorsville Chickamauga Overland campaign (The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Coldharbour)

What battles took place in the south during the American civil war?

Answer Shiloh was a battle that opened up Grant's way into Mississippi. Vicksburg was the battle the cleared the Mississippi River of Confederate control. Chickamauga was a key victory for the Confederates that held the Union troops confined to Chattanooga, TN. FredericksburgSpotsylvania Gettysburg was a lose that the Confederates could not recover from. St. Petersburg and the battles for Richmond.

What kind of challenges did the roman legionaries face during their service to the roman army?

Is that they lose there battles.

What major battles did the US win in the civil war?

The question of "won" and "lost" is often difficult. The union most definitely lost both of the battles at Bull Run (Manassas). The Union was badly defeated in a series of battles around Charleston. The Battle of Ball's Bluff (Leesburg, VA) was a complete defeat for the Union. Stonewall Jackson defeated Union forces in a series of campaigns in the Shenendoah Valley in 1862. The Battle of Murfreesboro in Tennessee was a Confederate victory which temporarily ceased Union momentum. The Union suffered horrible losses in many other campaigns but did not lose territory; the losses in men and equipment were made up and advances continued.

What did Japanese lose-gain during the world war 2?

Japan won the battles, but lost the war (A-bomb).

How did Richmond burn down?

The reason Richmond was burned down by the union.the Union thought the confederate states would lose everything by burning down their capital...the confederate states would have no supplies or shelters to store inso the union had won the civil war by burning down Richmond

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Why did the south have less money than the north?

The south made their own money during the civil war , so when the Union won the money meant nothing .the money meant nothing because the union had their own money and so they didnt need the souths money. Shortly before the civil war, they began to lose money from enormous taxes imposed on them by the north.