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Here are some terms from the Victorian Era, which included 1850:

  • About right - correct
  • Afternoonified - a society term meaning smart or fancy
  • Arf-arf-an-arf - drunk, or having had too many 'arf-pints of beer
  • Bags o'Mystery - sausages (because no one knew what was in them)
  • Batty-fang - a low London phrase meaning to thoroughly thrash (possibly from the French term battre a fin)
  • Butter upon bacon - extreme extravagance
  • Cat-lap - a society term for tea and coffee, used derogatorily by drinkers of beer and stronger spirits.
  • Cop a mouse - to get a black eye (because the color and size of the swelling resembles a mouse)
  • Daddles - hands
  • Dead certainty - totally certain to occur
  • Doing the bear - courting that involves a lot of hugging
  • Don't sell me a dog - "Don't lie to me" (from the sale of a mutt dog as a purebred)
  • Fifteen puzzle - total and complete confusion
  • Gas-pipes - especially tight pants
  • Gigglemug - a habitually smiling face
  • Half-rats - partially intoxicated
  • Mafficking - getting rowdy in the streets
  • Mind the grease - "please let me pass" - said in a crowded street or room
  • Nanty Narking - great fun
  • Not up to dick - not well
  • One-horse town - a very small town indeed (supposedly having only one horse in the whole town)
  • Orf chump - off your feed, or having no appetite
  • Parish pick-axe - a prominent nose
  • Poked up - embarrassed
  • Rain-napper - an umbrella
  • Sauce-box - the mouth
  • Shake a flannin - to fight
  • Shenanigans - antics, especially when up to no good
  • Skilamalink - secretive, shifty, shady or doubtful
  • Take the egg - to win
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Q: What are the slang words in the 1850s?
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Cool, groovy, far out, and hip are examples of slang words from 1966.

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Some examples of slang words that rhyme with "silver" are "chiller" and "killer".

Should gram and pap be capitalized in a sentence?

no they are slang words. typically slang words souldn't be capitalized

When were the first slang words said?

The first slang words were not recorded. It's use predates written language.

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There's a lot of slang words for dollars, like buck and George.

When do you use slang words?

You use slang in casual conversation, especially with friends.

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Some slang words from 2006 include "bling bling," "crunk," "whatevs," and "fam."

How many vulgar slang words are there?

There are countless vulgar slang words and the exact number is difficult to quantify. Slang is dynamic and constantly evolving, varying between cultures and regions. It's important to exercise caution and sensitivity when using slang language.