It helped to cause it.
The Act put ordinary citizens under an obligation to report anyone who looked as though they might be a runaway slave, on pain of a heavy fine.
The public responded by setting up the Underground Railroad - a sysem of safe-houses by whch fugitive slaves could be smuggled into Canada.
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' as her own angry response to the Act. It brought many new converts to the cause of Abolitionism, and generally raised the temperature of the debate.
People helped hide fugitive slaves along the Underground Railroad and wouldn't turn them over to slave catchers. They also helped many slaves escape to Canada.
Fugitive slave act in 1850 along with government control toward slave states and slave free states.
It means the act that the Confederate slave states did when they left the Union. They Seceded.
The Fugitive Slave Act did not make or cause the US Civil War. The war began in 1861 a full 11 years after the law was passed and Lincoln vowed to enforce it. Therefore, the war and the Fugitive Slave Act are not connected.
The Fugitive Slave Act was a pro-slavery part of the Compromise of 1850.
People helped hide fugitive slaves along the Underground Railroad and wouldn't turn them over to slave catchers. They also helped many slaves escape to Canada.
it lead to it because she pooped
This led to the American Civil war from 1861-1865. This was because of slavery . The fugitive slave act allowed slave hunters to go to the North to get their slaves back.
Fugitive slave act in 1850 along with government control toward slave states and slave free states.
That would be Millard Fillmore.
It took place in 1850 which was one of the causes of the civil war.
It means the act that the Confederate slave states did when they left the Union. They Seceded.
The Fugitive Slave Act did not make or cause the US Civil War. The war began in 1861 a full 11 years after the law was passed and Lincoln vowed to enforce it. Therefore, the war and the Fugitive Slave Act are not connected.
The fugitive slave act
The word "slave" does not exist in the constitution until the 13th amendment in 1865. You may be thinking of the Fugative Slave Act of 1793 and 1850, but not something from the US Constitution. The following link may have to be copied and pasted in two parts to work properly.,pageNum-52.html
With anger. They greatly resented being turned into unpaid slave-catchers, and this brought many new recruits to the cause of Abolitionism. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was written as a protest against the Act. It drove the two sides further apart, and was a major cause of the Civil War.