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An enormous number of events happen in the US during any 13 year period, but for this particular period, the most significant event was the Vietnam War and the tremendous amount of political turmoil that resulted. This was a period of rebellion and nonconformity, of increasing use of recreational drugs, of the counter culture, the yippies, etc., and a time in which rock and roll went from being a rather trivial and silly form of teenage music, to a rich and complex musical form. Let us not forget the moon landing by US astronauts in 1969, which remains one of the most unique events in human history.

The Gold Standard, (the backing of every dollar by Gold), was ended in 1971 causing inflation, devaluation of the dollar. The War Powers Act, was enacted by Congress in 1973, giving the President, of the United States, the ability to send our military anywhere in the world for 90 day's without having to get Congressional approval. Also in 1973 was the first modern Oil crisis. It happened in Oct 1973 when OPEC enacted an Oil Embargo.

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