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Q: Was waving the bloody shirt mean referring to the Civil War and the Southern Rebellion in order to discredit political opponents?
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How did the Germans dispose of the dead bodies?

If you are referring to the WW2 systematic extermination of Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, gypsies and political opponents, then the Germans disposed of the bodies by cremation or by creating mass graves. US Soldiers found many of the mass graves which helped document the German crimes against humanity.

When referring to the political parties do you have to capitalize party?

Yes, political parties are proper nouns and should be capitalized when referring to their specific names. For example, "Democratic Party," "Republican Party," "Green Party."

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it depends what tariffs and when but, i if you are referring to after the revolutionary war, then the effect was the whiskey rebellion.

How do you say excellent party in French?

Une excellente fête - if referring to a social gatheringUn excellent parti - if referring to a political party

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Political apathy is the phlegm on the role of any citizen of any nation with regard to their attitude towards political activities. A broader way of referring to political apathy in a country is to consider its political culture.

What is the group who used new religious ideas to justify rebellion?

The group you are referring to is likely the Taiping Rebellion in mid-19th century China. Led by Hong Xiuquan, the movement combined elements of Christianity with Chinese religious beliefs to justify their rebellion against the ruling Qing Dynasty.

Definition of political problem?

There a three catagories of problems: political, economic, and social. social is what is happening with the people. Economic is what is happening in the buisness field, and political problem is referring to the government! Hope this helps!

Should democrat and Republican be capitalized?

Yes, the terms Democrat and Republican should be capitalized when referring to the political parties.

Which term is used when referring to the political party with the greatest number of member in the senate?

Majority Party!

What Political Party were in charge in 1912?

Without knowing which country you are referring to this question cannot be answered