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Yes he was born into slavery.

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Q: Was Frederick Douglass born into slavery?
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Were Frederick Douglass' children born into slavery?

No. At the time of the birth of his children, Frederick Douglass was living in a free state, so his children were not born into slavery. With the help of British supporters, Frederick Douglass was able to purchase his freedom in 1847.

Who was a great anti- slavery who was born into slavery?

Frederick Douglass fits this to a T.

What did Frederick Douglass do to stop slavery?

when did Frederick Douglass help end slaves

How old was Frederick Douglass when he escaped from slavery?

Frederick douglass was born around 1818, and he escaped in 1838. So approximately 20 years old

Who said your work does not end with the abolition of slavery but only begins?

Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass

When did Frederick Douglass become a slave?

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey as this was given name, was born into slavery, in the year 1818. Latter in life after becoming married he adopted the name Frederick Douglass.

What obstacles Fredrick Douglass have to overcome?

Frederick Douglass was born into slavery. He was torn from his mother and grandmother. He went on to help the country by stopping segregation and slavery.

How Frederick Douglass stop slavery?

he didn't

What did Frederick Douglass accomblish?

he stopped slavery

What background did Frederick Douglass have that made him such a powerful speaker on the evils of slavery?

He was born a slave and escaped.

Where did Frederick Douglass escape slavery to?

Frederick Douglass escaped from Massachusetts after leaving Maryland.

Did Frederick Douglass want slavery?

he was not with slavery he was with the North or with Abraham Lincoln