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Please rewrite. The question doesn't make sense. Please in the future don't use caps. On the computer that is shouting.

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when the civil war was made by people

Whats so civil about war any way?

Civil can be defined as "of or relating to normal citizens and their concerns" Really the term "Civil war" refers to that, not being civil as in "non-criminal" Is the line spoken at the end of Guns n Roses' Civil War.

What characteristics did the typical civil war soldier have?

well a civil war soldier had to be willing to fight either for the southern or northern states. they had to be strong and able to endure many hardships

What were Harriet Tubman's views on the civil war?

Harriet Tubman in fact thought the civil war was non sense and they only thing she had to with it was helping slaves be free.

Who employed non steer able balloons in the civil war?

army corps

Who were the whites?

If you are referring to the white Russians in the Russian civil war, the white Russians were the non-communist party in the war. They were supported by the allies of World War One, but they did not receive adequate backing, and lost the civil war.

What causes did Charles 1st do to the civil war?

Charles I started the Civil war because he tried to arrest member of Parliament for not giving him money, but they were warned and fled before he could arrest them which broke out into a civil war

Agreement between slave and non-slave states?

There was no agreement only the Civil War

How many Union casualties were there in the US Civil War?

Union Army in Civil War Battle Deaths 140,000 Non-Battle Deaths 220,000 ( Disease, Suicides, etc.)

What was the evils of civil war?

it made america non-united and it killed a lot of American men.

Was non-regulation rank insignia used in the civil war?

Yes, as a lot of the units fighting in that were weren't regulars. A lot of state militias, private militias, etc. participated in the Civil War.

Is non fiction like realistic fiction?

No, non fiction is stuff that really happened. Like George Washington fighting the Civil War.