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In the 1920s, films were still in black and white, or were colored by tinting the film, and thus had limited color. Films were distinct to their studios (The Big Five of Fox, MGM, Paramount, Warner Brothers and RKO or the Little Three: United Artists, Columbia, Universal) and largely still silent pictures.

Films were also still heartily influenced by vaudeville, however, because of the influence of the Studio System they were getting bigger and most costly. They were being manufactured, assembly-line style, in these Hollywood's 'entertainment factories.'

Today, films have color, sound and advanced effects. We cannot produce as many, as the Paramount Case saw the disbandment of the studio system and vertical integration. Also, the subject matter in films is much broader (when you include independent studios) and has influences from all cultures and lifestyles.

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Q: How did films from the 1920s compare to todays?
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