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No; this war had no other allies. The Union had only itself and the Confederacy only had itself. European countries refused to take part in the war on either side because they had already abolished slavery, so it would've been like re-fighting an already resolved issue.

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Q: Did union have any allies during the civil war?
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What were the northern states of America called in the civil war?

First, the term 'America' refers to the entire western hemisphere. 'America' includes the continents of North America and South America. During the Civil War, the United States of America continued to exist. The North was referred to as the 'Union' and the South was referred to as the 'Confederacy.' The United States of America refused to recognize any right of a state to secede from the Union, and thus did not recognize the Confederacy.

How was a plantation owner affected during the civil war?

The Union Navy blockade prevented them from exporting their cotton. And after the Emancipation Proclamation, Union troops were licensed to free any slaves they came across, so the planters were robbed of about half their workforce.

What was the confederate's plan?

During the American Civil War, the Confederacy's initial military plan was a simple but enviable one: to defend its territory from Union incursions. Not needing to invade the Union in order to survive, the Confederacy only needed to parry any attacks that the Union might make against it.

Which two countries was the Civil War between?

The Confederate States of America (never officially recognised by any other nation) and the rest of the United States, normally referred-to as the Union during the course of the war.

What were jobs women did during the civil war?

Women during the civil war could not have any jobs unless they were slaves and/or being in the house taking care of their children.

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Do you have any pictures of Charles H Weaver MD?

Yes if he is the surgeon who served in the Union Army during the Civil War.

Were there any battles during the civil war in which the union was outnumber?

Yes. There were battles in the Civil War where union forces were outnumbered. When we study the battles in school, we generally stick to the major ones. There were many others. In a number of those, there were more confederates than Union solders.

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What did India do during the Civil War?

India was a British colony during the Civil War, and not the most contented one. Great Britain leaned toward the Confederacy while maintaining diplomatic relations with the Union, but the Civil War likely did not effect India in any significant way, nor did India have any significant effect on the Civil War.

Was their any immigants who came to the US during the civil war?

Many, including large numbers of Irish, many of whom joined the Union Army

What is the free soil doctrine?

During the time before the Civil War, free soil doctrine was to not have slavery in any new states admitted into the Union.

Does France have any allies with similar governments or economies or cultures?

Yes, France does have allies with similar governments, economies, and cultures. These allies include the entirety of the European Union, the US, and Canada.

Is the word Union as in the Civil War a proper noun?

Yes, the noun "Union" is a proper noun when referring to the United States or the Union Army during the Civil Was as the name of a specific place or group. A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing.The noun "union" (lower case u) is a common noun as a general word for any organized association of workers, or any association of people formed with a common interest or purpose.

What side did Utah fight on during the civil war?

Utah was not a state during the Civil War (1861 to 1865). It was a territory of the United States from 1850 until admitted as a State in 1896. Utah was primarily inhabited by Mormon pioneers and Indians during the Civil War. While many of the Mormons were abolitionists, the Mormon Church advised their men not to enlist in the military forces engaged in the Civil War. In any case, Mormons were largely unwelcome in the east at that time.

Who did not sign the tripartite act?

The Tripartite Act was signed by the nations belonging to the Axis powers during World War II, so it was not signed by any of the Allies: France, the UK, the US, etc. Non-Allies who were involved with the Tripartite Pact but did not sign it were the Soviet Union and Finland.

Which army during the Civil War lined up in the shape of a fishhook?

The union army at the battle of Gettysburg. Are you just seeing if any one knows or is this an honest question?

How was the Union's military forces organized during the US Civil War?

The Union military structure during the US Civil War was constructed as a two branch system. One branch consisted one active organization of regular professionals, complimented by a volunteer militia force. The militia system was designed to enlarge during any emergency with an increase in militia troops recruited as volunteers from the various states.