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It's really tough to know for sure, but it could be a genetic or societal thing (nature vs nuture). Most guys tend to like larger breasts no matter what part of the world they are from, so it probably isn't a societal thing. Instead, it is probably encoded in some gene that drives brain development during puberty that goes along with guys liking everything else about girls. So, if it's genetic, then why? Most issues such as this are resolved by thinking in an evolutionary context. That is to say, is there something about guys liking large breasts that makes their offspring survive more? Well, maybe! One hypothesis would be that large breasts make more milk, so if a guy mates with a girl who has large breasts, the chance of his child survivng (by having better nutrition) and passing on his genes of liking large breast will be increased. However, most people say there is no known correlation (although that is a way of saying we aren't completely sure, but there's not a huge difference), but it could still matter. Also, women's breasts tend to swell when they produce milk. So, a guy saying, "Wow, nice breasts," could really mean "Wow, your breasts are swollen with milk and if I had a child with you then you could provide him/her with great nutrition to make him/her survive." Another idea would be that breasts tend to develop as women go through puberty. Therefore, before societal conventions prevented it, liking girls with larger breasts could stop them from trying to mate with a very young girl who was either not sexually mature (and could not bear a child) or unable to properly care for a child (because they do not know the ways of the world yet). This way they wouldn't waste their time pursuing someone who wouldn't have children if they mated or someone who couldn't raise a child properly. I am sure you can think of other reasons that guys liking large breasts would help them have more offspring that survive, but the general idea of passing on genes to as many offspring as possible is probably correct. One note is that even girls with small breasts can produce plenty of milk, and, perhaps not surprisingly, breast size is not a deal breaker for most guys. Instead, it is just a secondary factor that guys tend to think about.

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17y ago
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13y ago

I am a guy and to tell you the truth i have no idea why we like big boobs. Its like whenever we see big boobs we like go crazy, we just cant help it.



My boyfriend says that he likes them because they turn him on sexually much more than smaller breasts.

He was indifferent to them in the beginning though. He believes the only reason he started liking them is because most other guys like them, and because there's a (in my opinion illogical, and even pure offensive to bigger breasted girls) stigma from many self-proclaimed "feminists" that it's "dirty" or "wrong" to prefer bigger breasts over small ones. If something feels "forbidden", it seems to turn guys on for some reason... Also he thinks they make a soft and comfortable pillow to sleep at LOL XD

Interestingly enough, he says he thinks small breasts look much more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing than big breasts. In the beginning, I thought he just wanted to make me feel better, because I'm nearly flat-chested myself.

But the way he always keeps looking at them (whenever they aren't impossible to see because I'm wearing clothes lol) and the fact that in the beginning of our relationship, whenever we were making out, he kept asking me if it's okay to touch them (pointless since I always told him I don't mind at all and he doesn't have to ask haha, but I thought it was really cute of him to keep asking for permission xDD) made me believe he is telling the truth.

(That and the fact that he's never lied to me about anything else, even though we've been together for 3 years now.)

That's just the opinion of one guy though (and don't worry about his words being true or not, I trust him 100%). Everyone is unique though, so other guys might have completely different reasons.

-Sayu Miwa

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13y ago

There are multiple possible answers to this question.

First off, it may be a social aspect. In the United States, breasts are thought to be a sexual attraction. Men may find larger breasts more attractive based on personal preference, or by what they feel society pushes as the more attractive standard.

Psychologically, men may subconsciously find larger breasts attractive because it makes the woman look more healthy, and better able to support and nourish potential offspring.

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13y ago

Sigh... guys are just like that, they were built that way. Guys just are atracted to girls with nice bodys, and it's hard for them to notice anything else... I have three brothers, so I know this. My bro will be like, "God, that girl is Hot!" and I will remind him that she's a jerk... it doesn't matter though, guys are one-tracked minded sometimes. EVERY guy thinks this way, but the better guys know how to controal themselves

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Jazib Khan

Lvl 3
3y ago

Big b🐷🐷bs like all age boys and mans in girls and womens

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Devonte Bernier

Lvl 1
3y ago
idk if thats rite

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14y ago

because for some reason men like women with big boobies

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16y ago

The same reason girls like bigger penises.

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12y ago
  • Well, it sort of depends on the person, some men like other parts of the body while some men like the breasts, it depends on the guy.
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9y ago

There is no explanation to this. I think it is just natural.

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14y ago

because they are weird :)

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