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Q: Who said When the people lead the leaders will follow?
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Who said lead follow or get out the way?

George Steinbrenner

How could the mandate of heaven encourage AND discourage revolution?

It encouraged the people to follow the rules of the leaders by using fear tactics, but if these leaders committed a wrongdoing then they were said to have lost the mandate of heaven and therefore could encourage a revolution.

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who said that... mubarak have who like him and who hate him... like all leaders

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The leaders are born into the Said family.

What is Leardership?

Leadership is the ability to lead. Leaders have the quality to let their subordinates follow his saying.A leaders are not only in the business aspect or in political view but a leader can exist anywere ,even the captain of a cricket team is a leader as he has the ability to let the team follow his saying,even the school captain is a leader as he keep the class organized and let his school mate follow him. Leaders are assigned with certain powers so that they can do their duties well."Are leaders born or made?".Well there are different views about this some said they are born while some that they are made.The qualities of good leaders are that your subordinates respect you from their heart not just becauase they are your subordinates.They follows up you with their own wish.They have motivating power which help them take out those work(jobs/things) from their subordinates which are his requirements.

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British leaders said Patrick Henry committed treason.

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Alot of people say this either because their jealous or think your ok with out dating, but follow what you think!

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all roads are said to lead to rome

How are the leaders of Oman chosen?

thats what she said

Who said we left all we had to follow you?

Luke 18:28-30Peter said to him, "We have left all we had to follow you!"

Who said do not follow where the path may lead Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail?

The quote "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" is attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American essayist, lecturer, and poet who was a key figure in the American transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.

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Indian pms do not make any money, they follow the ,lead of ghandi. ghandi said that money is just paper and should not be used to buy things.