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George Custer was found naked and unmutilated, with two wounds, in his left breast and left temple. He was propped in an angle formed by two of his men laying across each other, his arm across the top of them, the small of his back touching the ground, his head laying in his right hand. He was killed almost execution style - one shot through the heart the other a coup-de-grace in the temple. He was the only soldier not mutilated by the Sioux out of respect as a fierce warrior and leader. It is interesting that he also had a hair cut before this battle and the "long hair" was gone, but since he wasn't scalped, it didn't matter. It is reported by the Sioux chiefs that he died laughing and had a smile on his face even in death.

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George Armstrong Custer died June 25, 1876.

What is the most controversial video game?

A few include Custers Revenge and GTA III. Google them.

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