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Q: What term is used for something that does not transfer thermal energy efficiently?
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Which term defines something that doesnt transfer thermal energy efficiently?

An insulator

What terms defines something that transfers thermal energy efficiently?

Something that transfers thermal energy efficiently is called a conductor.

Which term defines something that does not transfer thermal energy efficuently?

The term for something that does not transfer thermal energy efficiently is "insulator." Insulators have low thermal conductivity and prevent the flow of heat from one area to another. Materials like wood, plastic, and rubber are commonly used as insulators.

Which term defines something that does not transfer thermal energy efficiently?

An insulator is a material that does not transfer thermal energy efficiently. It prevents heat from flowing easily through it, helping to maintain a consistent temperature on either side. Some common examples include foam, wool, and fiberglass.

Is aluminum an insulator or conductor of thermal energy?

Aluminum is a conductor of thermal energy. It has a high thermal conductivity, meaning it can transfer heat efficiently through its structure.

Metals are what of thermal energy?

Metals are good conductors of thermal energy, meaning they can transfer heat quickly and efficiently. This is because of the free electrons within the metallic structure that can easily carry and transfer heat energy.

Which term defines something that transfers thermal energy efficiently?

A material that transfers thermal energy efficiently is called a conductor. Conductors have high thermal conductivity, allowing heat to pass through them easily. This property is why materials like metal are often used in cooking pots and electrical wires.

What are 2 examples of good conductors of thermal energy?

Two examples of good conductors of thermal energy are metals such as copper and aluminum. These materials have high thermal conductivity, meaning they can efficiently transfer heat energy.

What is the ability to transfer thermal energy from one area to another and is a physical property of matter?

The ability to transfer thermal energy from one area to another is called thermal conductivity. It is a physical property of matter that quantifies how well a material can conduct heat. Materials with high thermal conductivity can transfer heat efficiently, while materials with low thermal conductivity are poor heat conductors.

Which term defines something that transfers thermal energy effciently?

A good thermal conductor is something that transfers thermal energy efficiently. Materials like metals, such as copper and aluminum, are known for their ability to conduct heat effectively.

What is used to describe how well various substances conduct thermal energy?

thermal conductivity The term for how substances conduct thermal energy is thermal conductivity.

What term is described as how well various substances conduct thermal energy?

Thermal conductivity is a term used to describe how well various substances conduct thermal energy. It is a measure of a material's ability to transfer heat through conduction. Materials with high thermal conductivity transfer heat more efficiently than materials with low thermal conductivity.