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Q: What is the syllable stress in the word persistEnce?
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What syllable is a stressed syllable in the word persistence?

The stressed syllable in the word "persistence" is "sis."

Where is the stress syllable in the word photographic?

The stress syllable in the word "photographic" is on the third syllable, which is "-to-".

Where is the stress syllable in the word butterfly?

The stress syllable in the word "butterfly" is on the first syllable, "but".

What is the stress syllable of the word Paragraph?

The stress syllable in the word "paragraph" is the first syllable, "par."

What syllable is stress in the word superb?

The stress is on the first syllable in the word "superb."

What is the syllable stress in the word receive?

The syllable stress in the word "receive" is on the second syllable - re-CEIVE.

What is the stress syllable in the word infamous?

The stress syllable in the word "infamous" is the second syllable, "fa."

Where is the stress syllable on the word afternoon?

The stress syllable in the word "afternoon" falls on the first syllable, "af-".

What is the syllable stress in the word forefathers?

The syllable stress in the word "forefathers" is on the second syllable, "fa".

What syllable is stress in the word grassland?

first syllable - grass

What is the syllable stress in the word tremendous?

The syllable stress in the word "tremendous" is on the second syllable, "tren-".

Is service a first syllable stress word?

No, "service" is not a first syllable stress word. The stress falls on the second syllable in "service."