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I'm no expert but since I just randomly asked myself the same question I'll give it a shot. I would think the opposite of medium theoretically is medium. For instance, you take two objects, one black and one white. The opposite of the black object would be white, and vice versa. The medium would ideally be gray. The opposite of gray is still gray, but the two objects on either side of medium being compared have changed again.

Medium never changes, meaning it wouldn't be a balance, but the base on which something is balanced on.


Thinking in terms of sets, the opposite of something is the compliment of itself in a two-element space. Medium, in this context, implies a three-element space. Thus taking the compliment would yield both extremes but not medium itself. For example, if gray is the medium of black and white, then the opposite of gray is black AND white.

Another view

You can read on but after reevaluating it all i felt it was fair to change the extreme and have 2 opposites. Im posting it anyway because it's still an interesting theory. There doesn't seem to be an opposite of medium.

What i like about the complimented statement is that it allows for the full range of what an opposite should be. What i don't like is that it has to be both black and white. Too paradoxical. I've decided to give medium 2 opposites. And yes for the first and main portion i will be using the synonym middle.

distance multiplied by 1.5 = opposite of middle.


distance multiplied by -.5 = opposite of middle.

To help explain the opposite of middle ill use an expample. if you measure 200 ft the middle would be 100 ft. 200x1.5 =300 or 200x-.5=-100. both 300 ft and -100 ft are the opposites of middle for the distance of 200 ft. If you don't quite get it, think of the extreme as always being 200 ft (see definition of middle below).

To find the opposite of middle for a 3D object multiply it by 1.5 or -.5 ( the object will now be larger or smaller). The new invisible surface areas of the object are its opposites of middle. The negative objects surface would now be inside out and on its opposite side. If the object is not symmetrical you would have to do complex calculations to find its center.

For fun I'll try 1 demenion. The opposite of 1D (nothing) is everything or infinity when dealing with space. So the opposite of middle for let's say the coordinates 0,0,0 would be infinity mulitplied by 1.5 or of course -.5 whatever the hell that means.

Definition of middle: equally distant from the extremes or outer limits; central: the middle point of a line.

Even though the new line has new extremes that's okay because the original line still follows with the definition. 100 foot remains the middle point the whole time.

Okay great, but what about medium?

Grey would be the medium of black and white. You could solve this by using the middle of opposite equation. Computers use numbers to decide color. A negative black is a rich black. a strong white is a very bright and "blown out" white. Or you could figure out the opposite of medium for a medium cooked steak. That would get somewhat complicated because you would have to know why the steak is medium while not impossible but could run into difficulties. I'm tired and if anyone wants to figure out the opposite of middle for the 4th demention go ahead lol im going to bed


Definition of medium:

a middle state or condition; mean.

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