Integral is pronounced either [in tih grul] or [in teh grul]. Both are correct.
For the pronunciation of the calculus-related usage of 'integral' - "IN-teg-ral" For the pronunciation of the "needed for completeness"-related usage of 'integral' - "in-TEG-ral". I believe that this is the same as the USA pronunciation, so my American wife has assured me... Hope this helps.
INTEGRAL has the common US pronunciation "IN-tuh-grull".
The correct pronunciation of "rendezvous" is RON-day-voo.
The correct pronunciation of bully is [ˈbuli].
the correct pronunciation of ulcer is ~ UL-SAR ~
The correct abbreviation for Pronunciation is "pron."
The correct pronunciation of "plumber" is ˈplə-mər.
I believe the correct pronunciation is : " gaw - ra "
The correct pronunciation of Pulitzer is "PULL-it-sir."
What is the correct pronunciation of "our"
The correct pronunciation of Schlosskirche is SHLOSS-keer-kuh.
what is the correct pronunciation (english) of the word samadhi?