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One really needs to plan ahead to enable success. Planning helps one to clarify the objectives, determine what activities need to be executed, their logical sequence and timelines, assess what capability is required to deliver (such as skills & resources), and know stakeholders to be managed during delivery of objectives. If one does not plan, he will likely fail [find sorrow].

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Ebere Anosike

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โˆ™ 2y ago
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โˆ™ 3y ago

When a person does not have fun with other things, he will think more about the problem he have.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

Plan ahead, but be open to change.

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Q: What does Confucius means by If a man take no thought about what is distant he will find sorrow near at hand?
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What does if a man takes no thought about what is distant he will find sorrow near at hand means?

This phrase means that neglecting to plan for the future can lead to unexpected and troubling circumstances in the present moment. By not considering long-term consequences and outcomes, one can end up facing difficulties and challenges that could have been avoided with proper foresight and preparation.

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In Irish BRÓN means 'sorrow': Tá brón orm, I am sorry. (There is sorrow on-me.)

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