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Dolley Madison saved the the large standing Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington which still hangs in the White House, an original copy of the the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence , silver and other furnishing from destruction. She had much help collection the material from the slaves living in the White House. She had warning that the Brtish were coming and escaped with a wagon load before they got there and burned the White House.

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Q: What did Dolley Madison do during the War of 1812?
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President Madison's first lady who was forced to flee the white house during war of 1812?

Dolley Madison

Who was the war of 1812 with?

There are many notable people associated with the War of 1812. Some of the more famous names are James Madison, Dolley Madison, Andrew Jackson, and Tecumseh.

Who influenced the war of 1812?

There are many notable people associated with the War of 1812. Some of the more famous names are James Madison, Dolley Madison, Andrew Jackson, and Tecumseh.

What are some important contributions with Dolley Madison?

Dolley Madison was a fine hostess for the White House but her most important contribution was to take George Washington's portrait with her when the British burned the White House during the War of 1812. That was irreplaceable.

What president of the US was in office during the war in 1812?

James Madison was the president of the United States throughout the entirety of the war of 1812. He served as president from 1809-1817.

When did Dolley Madison save the painting of George Washington?

Dolley Madison (3rd and 4th first lady of the USA) saved the famous painting of George Washington when redcoats burned the White House (then called the President's Mansion) in 1814 (during the War of 1812).

Did Dolley Madison do something important in life?

Yes, She saved the important paintings from the White House while the British were burning Washington DC In the war of 1812 AKA Mr. Madison's war.

Who was dolly Madison and what heroic act did she do?

Dolley Madison was James Madison's wife and also the first lady when Madison became president. Th heroic act she did was save cabinet papers and the portrait of George Washington when the White House was about to be burned down by the British during the War of 1812.

Who were the presidents during the war of 1812?

James Madison. He was President from 1809 to 1817, and the War was 1812 to 1815.

Who was the president of the US during the war of 1812?

James Madison

Who was president when James Madison was fighting in war?

Madison did not do any fighting in any war. He was the President during the War of 1812.

Who was the President of the United States during the War of 1812?

President James Madison (4th US President) served from 1809 to 1817, during all of the War of 1812 (1812-1815). He fled the White House when the British burned washington DC.James Madison was the president at that time.