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  • Great ways to get empirical feedback from voters instead of anecdotal information
  • Can help candidates understand what issues are important to voters


  • Legislator are sometimes afraid to lead and instead live by polling results
  • Legislators are sometimes afraid to vote for what is best because the polling results are bad.
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Q: What are the benefits and negatives of polls in politics?
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According to the polls, about 50%.

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Anorexia is bad. Plain and simple.

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There are benefits as well as negatives to a surrogate. People can bypass any sickness, pregnancy pains, and exhaustion that can come along with it there.

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A Straw Poll

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The negatives of a Vertu cell phone is that the price for such a cell phone is quite high and if one was to accidentally break it, the cost of the replacement outweighs the benefits.

What is a main reason for the decline of party-centered politics?

the development of public opinion polls as an alternative means of discovering public sentiment

What are the disadvantage and?

on the plus side, you have the reasons for, the benefits. then again, on the other hand, you have the drawbacks, and the negatives. hard to say.

What are the advantages and?

on the plus side, you have the reasons for, the benefits. then again, on the other hand, you have the drawbacks, and the negatives. hard to say.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

on the plus side, you have the reasons for, the benefits. then again, on the other hand, you have the drawbacks, and the negatives. hard to say.