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They developed an alphabet to impr0ve on the cuneiform writing system.

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Q: What Sumerian invention did the Phoenicians improve?
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How did the Phoenicians improve upon the Sumerian invention?

The Phoenicians improved upon the Sumerian invention by when the Sumerians invented the first writing system (symbols and cuneiform) the Phoenicians invented the alphabet which was easier.

How did the Phoenicians improved a Sumerian invention?

because they worked really hard on whatever they were doing.

How did the Phoenicians improve upon a Sumerians invention?

because they worked really hard on whatever they were doing.

Which Sumerian invention the most important and why?

The most important invention of the Sumerian's was Irrigation. Irrigation is how the Sumerian's led their water through pipes, etc.

What important invention did Phoenicians make?

An alphabet to improve writing efficiency.

Did the Phoenicians develop a writing system before or after the Sumerians?

The Phoenicians developed their writing system from the Sumerian writing system in 1400 BCE, so their writing system came after the Sumerian one.

What is aimportant sumerian invention?

the cylinder

What are the Phoenicians most noted for?

Trading and invention of an alphabet.

How did the Phoenicians invent this language?

The Phoenicians are credited with the invention of the alphabet used for the English language and other Romance languages.

What are some inventions of the Sumerian civilization?

Monarchy: The world's first system of monarchy is also a Sumerian invention.

What is an ancient invention of the Phoenicians?

An alphabet which became the basis for later alphabets.

What is a Lebanese invention?

Lebanese people were Phoenicians so they invented the alphabet.