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President Roosevelt responded to the plans of Philip Randolph to organize a 100,000 march on Washington, D.C. in the year 1941 by authorizing the Committee on the Fair Employment Practices. He also was able to outlaw the discrimination by having the defense contractors.

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Marianne Hagenes

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outlawed discrimination in war industries.

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Outlawed discrimination in the war industries

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Why was the March on Washington in 1941 organized by A Philip Randolph canceled by President Roosevelt?

outlawed discrimination in war industries. -apex

The march on Washington in 1941 organized by a Philip Randolph was canceled when Pres. Roosevelt?

outlawed discrimination in the workplace. Something along those lines

How did A Philip Randolph help bring about action against discrimination?

A. Philip Randolph organized the March on Washington Movement in 1941 to protest discrimination against African Americans in the defense industry. His efforts ultimately led to President Franklin D. Roosevelt issuing Executive Order 8802, which banned discrimination in defense industries and established the Fair Employment Practices Committee.

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Phillip Randolph

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Is it true that Edmund Randolph formed the first senate that advised president Washington?

No, it is not true. Edmund Randolph did not form the first Senate that advised President Washington. The first Senate of the United States was formed as a result of the Constitution and was established in 1789, with the first meeting taking place on March 4. Edmund Randolph did serve in President Washington's administration as the first Attorney General and later as the Secretary of State.

What did Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to the march on Washington D.C. caused by A.Philip Randolph?

Franklin D. Roosevelt into establishing protections against discrimination.

Who was the labor leader who strongly encouraged president roosevelt to issue an executive order discouraging discrimination in the worklplace?

A. Philip Randolph

What black labor leader or organized a union for railroad porters and the march on Washington?

Philip Randolph, organized a union for railroad porters called " the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters". ~ someone

Who was the first attorney general when George Washington was president?

Edmond Randolph was the first attorney general of the United State.

How did A. Philip Randolph get President Truman to change the way the military treated its black?

He threatened to organize a march on Washington.