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Q: Making sure an experiment gives the results you expect is an example of?
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Experiment that gives the results you expect are?

the scientific method

Would you choose a longer for this experiment to obtain more precise results?

No, I would just expect you to undertake the experiment with more care.

Which person would you expect to have the most valid results from an experiment on a new brand of kitty litter?

a veterinarian

What do you have to do before you perform your experiment?

You want to have a hypothesis to test. A hypothesis is kind of like a reasoned guess what you expect to happen. The results of your experiment will either support your hypothesis or it wont.

What is the conclusion of a science fair project?

the conclusion is similar to the abstract expect you state more of the results and what you have learned from your topic and study/experiment.

What subjective data means?

Subjective data means that human judgment may affect results. For example, if people are asked if a person is "well dressed" you would expect a range of answers. People have different standards in making judgments.

Would a small deviation in an experiment mean that something is wrong with the experiment?

Not necessarily. It might mean that the experiment has a highly stable outcome. You need to evaluate if that is true or if the experiment is flawed. It comes down to theoretical expectations versus experimental outcomes - you should know a priori (before the fact) what to expect, so you can know if the results are good. For instance... If you were measuring the radioactivity of a sample with a relatively low count rate using a detector that recorded counts in each second, you would expect a poissen distribution. If you were measuring the same sample with a detector that counted for 1 minute, you would expect a more gaussian distribution. If, on the other hand, you were measuring the wavelength of a red laser, you would expect that every single observation would give you the same results, within an extremely tight distribution.

2 If the Daphnia heart rate experiment were performed on an endothermic organism what results would you expect?

Nothing will happen. This is due to the endothermic circulatory system which regulates and maintains a stabilized temperature.

What is the difference between a controlled experiment and a variable?

In a control, the scientists know what to expect what will happen in an experiment... it is used for comparison.A variable is pretty simple. All it is, is the thing in the experiment that changes. There is usually only one of them in an experiment, and there are two kinds... Im sure you are familiar with them.-An independent variable is when the scientist controls what they are looking for-A dependent variable scientists dont control directly, but they measure for results

Why is publishing the design and results of an experiment considered an essential part of science?

Publishing the design and results of an experiment is essential in science because it allows other researchers to replicate the study and verify its findings, ensuring the reliability and validity of the results. This transparency also allows for further exploration and discussion of the experiment, contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge and understanding in the field.

Why is a hypothesis important to an experiment?

it states what you expect the outcome to be and verify it.

What Results Can Patients Expect in accutite?

You can expect to see tighter, smoother skin in up to 6 months. And the best part? The results are permanent!